Character Introduction - Nanally

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Ahem, allow me to introduce myself...

I, Nanally Coluccis, am the Ichi-daime of the greatest family in the future of Hethereau—The Coluccis!

The star attraction of the antique shop "Eibon," the most renowned family head in the Bridge District, and a rising star Esper in Hethereau!

Steadfast and dignified, generous and kind, wise and calm.

Nanally has participated in numerous major Anomaly containment and nullification operations, including "Danzaburou's Revenge," "Fluffy Demon King Showdown," and the "V-class Wrath GR Cloud Crisis." With her signature move, the "Coluccis Ultimate Death Shadow Nether Punch," she sweeps through all opponents, undefeated! (1,000 Fons per comment, delete the stuff in parentheses)

Neverness to Everness (NTE) adalah RPG dunia terbuka supernatural yang dikembangkan oleh Hotta Studio. Ceritanya dimulai di Kota Hethereau. Sebagai Pemburu Anomali "tanpa izin" pertama, kamu akan bergabung menjadi anggota toko barang antik Eibon, yang menerima permohonan Anomali dari masyarakat agar tetap bertahan. Bersama dengan rekan yang beragam dan luar biasa, kamu akan menjelajahi berbagai misteri kota, mengalami serangkaian petualangan yang dipenuhi tawa dan air mata, dan menciptakan kisah perkotaanmu yang unik.